Question: Assalamwalykum WA Rehman Ullah WA Brakatuhu
Mufti Sahab,
I have a question, is going to Tableegh Jamat is fine/good?
Tableegh says,they are on the steps of All Sahaba R.A who left their homes to spread Islam.
They give taleem/Hadees from FAZAILI E AAIL, Is this agreed by all Ullema.
Can I have the whatsapp/phone number of Ullema to get the mashwara and Fatwa
Question: Assalamwalykum WA Rehman Ullah WA Brakatuhu
Mufti Sahab,
I have a question, is going to Tableegh Jamat is fine/good?
Tableegh says,they are on the steps of All Sahaba R.A who left their homes to spread Islam.
They give taleem/Hadees from FAZAILI E AAIL, Is this agreed by all Ullema.
Can I have the whatsapp/phone number of Ullema to get the mashwara and Fatwa